Customer Engagement and Retention.

Imarabiz solution makes you customer centric.

We exist to help SMEs in Africa to engage and retain their customers.

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15 Sep

Imarabiz : The Easiest Way to Manage Your Sales Pipeline

Managing your business sales pipeline can be a major pain in the neck, but we all know how essential it is to your business success. Keeping track of all your leads, opportunities, and follow-up tasks can be daunting, especially if you're doing it all manually. But it doesn't have to be so hard.

Imarabiz customer engagement and retention solution can make managing your sales pipeline a breeze.

Here are just a few of the ways our customer engagement and retention solution can help:

1. It keeps track of all of your leads and prospects.

Imarabiz can help you keep track of all of your leads and prospects, no matter where they come from. This includes leads from your website, social media, networking events, and more.

Once you have a lead in the customer engagement and retention solution, you can track their progress through the sales pipeline. This includes their contact information, their interests, and the stage of the sales cycle they're in.

2. It automates tasks and workflows.

Imarabiz customer engagement and retention solution can automate a lot of the tasks and workflows involved in managing your sales pipeline. This includes things like sending follow-up emails, scheduling meetings, and creating proposals.

Automation can free up your time so that you can focus on the most important things, like talking to leads and closing deals.

3. It provides insights into your sales performance.

Imarabiz can provide you with insights into your sales performance. This includes things like your conversion rates, win/loss ratios, and average deal size.

This information can help you identify areas where you can improve your sales process.

4. It helps you collaborate with your team.

If you have a sales team, Imarabiz can help you collaborate more effectively. This includes things like sharing lead information, tracking progress on deals, and communicating with each other.

Collaboration can help you close more deals and grow your business faster.

5.It's easy to use.

A good customer engagement and retention solution should be easy to use and navigate. This means that it should be easy to add new leads, track their progress, and generate reports just like our Imarabiz customer engagement and retention solution.

If a customer engagement and retention solution is too complicated to use, you're less likely to use it effectively.


Now, imagine a world where you don't have to worry about juggling everything in your sales pipeline. A world where you can focus on selling and closing deals, without having to worry about administrative tasks and organization.

That's the world of Imarabiz. This solution keeps all of your sales information in one place and helps you stay organized and on top of your leads. It's like having a personal secretary who works 24/7 to help you close more deals. So, if you're looking for a way to make your life easier and close more deals, get Imarabiz customer engagement and retention solution.

Trust me, you won't regret it. Register for a free demo below.